In my quest for stopping power, I undertook some of the necessary Rites today. Removal of much of the sacred metal went as the Omnissiah wills it… until it was time to remove the ailing cylinder (woe to its departed machine spirit).

This is The Way

Pretty sure its blessed core lies beyond even salvation by the greatest Magus.

This is distinctly NOT The Way

The whole of the machine’s spirit seems weak on the surface, but the unguents applied by previous Techpriests seem fresh enough yet.

Also crap

I shall pursue its replacement vigourously.

UPDATE (2023-05-03): I have now the sacred materials and the accoutrements for the associated Litanies. I shall next undertake the Rites when the final component arrives this weekend… a fellow TechPriest who may assist in recitation of the Whatsofveryfsck.